Creating Your Characters: Things you need to know about them
First & last name (Duh! Bonus if they have a middle name!)
Nicknames & who calls them that?
Hair: colour, straight or cruly, length
Eye colour
Their race
Skin tone
Age or age group
Good and bad traits
Their Family & Friends
Their enmies or opponents
Hobbies! This is so important so good character developement! Check out my post on a list of character hobbies here:
Their pet peeves
What they want more in life
Their secret wish & their deepest secret
Favourite place & person
Favourite food
Favourite colour
Role model
What would break them
Fears! This is also an important thing to know about your characters. If you need some ideas check out my list of fears post:
Things they collect
Any pets?
Favourite season
Messy or clean?
Veggies or meat?
Favourite drink
Night owl or early bird?
Extrovert or introvert?
Relationship status
Left or right handed?
Easy to trust?
*Additional need-to-knows: For different genres this might be useful
Love language
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