How To Motivate Yourself To Write (Subscriber and member info only!)
If you're subscribed or a member through the Wix Spaces app you would have gotten an email or notification about my next post (this one) being info only to you special people! I wanted to go deeper into my last post, How To Break Writer's Block, ( Part of the problem (and probably the most common) that causes writer's block is simply not being motivated. So I searched for ways to bring the motivation back.
Read books in the same genre as the one you're writing. Like I said in my first post ( if you're stuck on your book a great way to get inspired is by reading something similar to the one your writing.
Listen to music. Cinematic is the best. Like all writers, I love to think about my book more than write it. It boosts your creativity and can help you picture your book a bit differently. Think of what your main character would be doing if it was a movie.
Create a short-term goal. So many words a day, this chapter is done, etc... Reward yourself if the goals are completed!
Work on your book but don't write the actual story. For example, work on some character building but don't write anything in your story. Leave it be. This way you're still getting work done and you will be ready when you feel like you can write again.
Take a break. Go outside for a walk and let nature give you some creativity. Sometimes you need a little while. If nothing is working just give it some time.
This is the type of thing I need lol! I haven't written anything since like February... For me it's just that I get it into my head that whatever I write, I'm going to hate, so I don't write anything.
Great post!